my oc world

Name: Kiki
Age: 17
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Race: Malaysian


Kiki is very energetic and cheerful, and always seems to be moving in one way or another. However, her mood can also change at the drop of a pin, and she's especially prone to rage when things don't go her way. She loves to be the center of attention and thus does very well at her role in the circus. Emotionally unstable, she struggles to form connections with others, and the only person she's really close with is the woman who rescued her. She's very independent for her age, but rarely ever opens up about or processes her emotions.


Kiki grew up with physically and emotionally abusive parents, and spent most of her childhood fearful and alone. She had very few friends and spent most of her time doing chores for her parents and doing anything she could to stay out of their way.

When she was 12, her parents took her to see a traveling circus that had come to their house. For the most part it was an unpleasant experience, especially when her father yelled at her for not doing as he wanted. However, a performer at the circus saw her distress, and she gave Kiki a card with the address on it when her parents weren't looking. She told her that if she needed a place to go, she could be here.

That night, lying awake thinking about the woman, Kiki made a decision. She quietly took a bat from her basement and hit her parents over the head with it in their sleep, before grabbing her shoes and running as fast as she could to where the circus had been located. She barely made it before they left, crying and begging for them to take her with them.

From that day on, Kiki was a member of the circus. Her entire look was reinvented so she wouldn't be recognized, and she began training as both a clown and an aerial performer. She was eager to learn, even if her mood swings sometimes made her difficult to work with, and she embraced the circus life without looking back.

View her gallery here!